deux-personnes-en costume

Implementing mobility

From strategy design to implementation, the experts at My French Mobility are at your side.

Contact us

Dedicated partnership to ensure compliance and success

Tax support for transferred employees
Appointments on arrival in France and departure abroad, preparation of tax returns, theoretical tax calculations, handling of requests from the tax authorities and coordination of tax payments…
Management of professional immigration formalities
International recruitment, intra-group mobility, service provision, secondment, etc.
Analysis and monitoring of tax obligations according to employee status
Tax registration, income tax returns
Implementation of the chosen social protection scheme
Affiliation to the social security system
Calculation of tax and social equalisation
Calculations for employee recruitment or mobility with a view to the chosen optimisation option
Dedicated HR training in international mobility
Design of customised training programmes
Management of employment law declarations
Long-term incentives, deferred benefits, etc.
Determination of the favourable social and tax regimes applicable and assistance with their implementation
Impatriate regime, long-term incentives, deferred benefits, etc.
Setting up and managing payroll for international employees
Setting up international payrolls, implementing the proposed payroll package, coordinating with subsidiaries on reporting obligations, etc.